Geological Characterization Services

Rock and fluid analysis services in the laboratory and at the wellsite

Carbon capture and sequestration

A Complete CCS Solution

This strategic collaboration brings together Petricore’s advanced rock and fluid analysis capabilities with GeoMark’s extensive geochemical and PVT expertise. Together, we offer a complete CCS solution that includes routine and special core analysis, digital rock analysis, and innovative monitoring techniques to ensure the safety and effectiveness of CCS projects.

Location Assessment

Capturing CO2 Opportunities

Utilizing GeoMark’s RFDbase for global rock, fluid, pressure, and temperature data to inform CO2/brine/seal interaction models.

This invaluable information forms a crucial part of the screening and risk assessment phase for any CCS project and critical data inputs for subsurface models.

RFDbase also provides a data platform for the development of a proprietary subsurface database.

Reservoir presence, connectivity and continuity
  • Petrophysics
  • PVT
  • Chemostratigraphy
  • Fluid characterization
  • Fluid correlations
  • Rock & fluid database (RFDbase)

Reservoir Assessment

Storage Capacity & Rock-Fluid Interactions

Comprehensive petrophysical evaluations to identify potential CO2 reservoir targets and assess caprock integrity and wellbore stability.

This solution delivers organic and inorganic geochemistry, routine and special core analysis and advanced techniques such as digital rock analysis.

Reservoir composition and quality
  • XRD & XRF
  • Micro CT
  • Porosity
  • Absolute permeability
  • Multi-phase flow properties
  • Capillary pressure
  • Relative permeability

Seal Assessment

Detailed analysis of caprock integrity, including rock strength, stress, ductility, and mineral reaction risk.

Pre-and-post studies (matrix/brine/scCO2) (Pressure, temperature, salinity)

  • XRD
  • SEM Imaging & Spatial Mineralogy
  • Micro-CT imaging pre /post experiments / fractures

Caprock integrity

  • Rock strength
  • Stress
  • Rock strength
  • Stress


Reservoir Surveillance with Geochemistry

CO2 Plume Monitoring – Movement

CO2 sequestration can effectively act as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), liberating less mobile hydrocarbons from the formation and driving them to monitoring wells for sampling and analysis.

The benefits

- Mobility of shorter chained, less mobile hydrocarbons will be increased with pressure from CO2 injection.

- Regular sampling and analysis of hydrocarbons (plus water and gas) from monitoring wells can provide an indication of CO2 plume movement across a storage area.

CO2 Plume Monitoring - Formation/Seal Breakthrough

Baseline fluid families as defined by oil, gas and water analyses allow for the vertical fluid character (fingerprint) of each formation above, within and below the CO2 injection reservoir.

The benefits

- Regular sampling and analysis of fluid samples from monitoring wells can provide critical information on potential reservoir breakthrough events if sudden fluid family shifts are observed in monitoring wells.

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